Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 5pm

Tuesday: 8am - 5pm

Wednesday: 8am - 5pm

Thursday: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 7am - 1pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Tooth Restoration Services for a Healthy, Beautiful Smile

Woman smiling
Dental Hygiene And Periodontal Health

While at our office, we make sure that you receive the highest level of service and ensure that our dental work is of the highest quality. To ensure that you maintain great oral health, this level of quality needs to extend into your personal oral hygiene routine. We can help you establish a dental hygiene routine that will keep your teeth healthy and white. If you have any questions about your current hygiene plan please ask us.

Your teeth are not the only important part of your mouth. Your gums are essential to oral hygiene as well. We can provide periodontal cleanings and treatment, or refer you to one of our recommended specialists. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is where the jawbone is built up to accommodate a dental implant or other restorative device. Bone grafting is a common procedure that is used frequently for dental implants and other periodontal procedures. The bone used to graft is taken from a sample from the patient. The bone fragments are collected and used for the graft. Cadaver bone fragments can also be used. They are harvested by bone banks and are a very safe and sterile source for bone donation.

Ridge Augmentation

When you lose teeth, and do not replace them, the jawbone deteriorates where the tooth socket once was. This makes it difficult, and in some instances impossible to get dental implants or dentures later on. You may have not had the financial means at the time of the extraction for restorative surgery, but you may have the money now. The good news is that we can perform a process called ridge augmentation to restore the bone structure that is needed for restorative procedures such as dental implants. The process involves lifting the gum from the ridge to expose the defected area of the bone. Then the dentist uses a bone like substance to fill the defected areas. The ridge augmentation greatly improves the appearance of the mouth and increases the chances for success with the implants. With ridge augmentation, your implants will last for years.

Crown Lengthening

Crowns must be firmly affixed to an existing tooth. Sometimes a tooth has been fractured low to the gums, but is still repairable. Crown lengthening can help by recontouring the gums and sometimes the bone surrounding the tooth in order to expose more of the tooth's surface for a crown. This procedure is most often done by a Periodontal specialist.


A frenulum is a piece of tissue that prevents an organ from moving. There is a frenulum that attaches your upper lip to the gums, while another connects the lower lip to the gums. A frenulum that is too short or thick, will cause problems in speech patterns and tooth misalignment. In infants, a shortened frenulum underneath the tongue will inhibit breastfeeding. When the frenulum disrupts movement, growth, or development, corrective action is necessary to resolve the situation.

A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that is performed in your dentist’s office. It can be performed with either a scalpel or laser and takes less than 15 minutes. Using a laser causes very little bleeding and does not require stitches. A laser also results in less postoperative discomfort and a shorter healing time. Young children and infants are put under general anesthesia for the procedure, and older children and adults have the procedure performed using local anesthesia (regular numbing). If your child needs a frenectomy, there is nothing to worry about. The procedure is very successful and causes minimal discomfort.

Gingival/Gum Grafting

Gingivitis and, in its advanced state, periodontitis, has a profound effect on the gums. As gingivitis progresses, more and more bacteria and plaque build up, causing the gums to stretch. The end result is large pockets, that once they are cleaned out, remain on your gum line. These pockets cause the gums to recede, which aesthetically is not pleasing to the eye. When the gums recede, an abnormal amount of tooth structure is exposed.  This exposed root surface can lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

Gum grafting is the corrective procedure that restores the gum to its natural, healthy state. Using soft gum tissue from the roof of the mouth, the receded gums are grafted. The goal if the graft is to cover exposed tooth and root surfaces with grafted on oral tissue.  This grafting encourages new tissue growth that will enable the gums to return to its original position around the teeth. The procedure is routine and entails a minimal amount of downtime and discomfort.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is insidious. It is an infection of the gums that starts out as plaque, an opaque film on the teeth that hardens to form tartar. As tartar accumulates, it harbors bacteria that attack the soft tissue around the gums. This is the early stage of gum disease known as Gingivitis. Left untreated, Gingivitis becomes Periodontitis which ultimately destroys the tissue surrounding your teeth AND the bone that holds your teeth in place. Except for bad breath and gums that bleed, there are very few early warning signals. The disease advances silently, often without pain, and before you know it, you are losing your teeth and you don't know why.

Tooth loss is only the most obvious indicator of gum disease. Scientific research has discovered links between gum disease and stroke, heart disease, diabetes - even an increased risk for pregnant women. When your gums become diseased, your entire immune system is weakened. 

In the past, fear of painful dental surgery has kept people with gum disease from seeking the care they needed. Well, those days are gone forever.

Scaling & Root Planing

Gingivitis is a progressive disease that left untreated, will cause significant tooth and gum deterioration.  Just the word gingivitis can strike panic in a patient’s mind. The reality is that the treatment is simple and performed right in your dentist’s office.

Plaque and tarter that sits on the teeth provides an environment, which allows bacteria to thrive and multiply.  The bacteria cause the gums to become inflamed and bleed. The condition becomes more noticeable when you brush your teeth or sometimes when you eat. These are signs of the early stage of gingivitis. Gingivitis is easily treated by having the hygienist scaling and polishing the teeth.  If gingivitis is left untreated, the condition will progress and the roots will need a planing. The difference between scaling and root planing is simple. Scaling is the removal of the dental tartar from the tooth surface.  Root planing is the process of smoothing the root surfaces and removing the infected tooth structure. 

As a non-surgical procedure, scaling and root planing can be performed without anesthesia in the dentist's office. While the procedure can be painless, advanced stages of gingivitis and periodontal disease often make it necessary to numb the area for complete comfort. Deep scaling and root planing is usually broken down into one section of the mouth per appointment. This allows for adequate healing time, and reduces the time for each appointment.

Soft Tissue Graft

A soft tissue graft is used when there has been a significant amount of gum recession in a particular area.  Slight gum recession can usually be fixed with a few changes to your oral hygiene routine to take better care of your teeth and gums.  When the gingiva recedes further it exposes you to greater risk for infection and bacterial penetration.  You will likely be more sensitive to hot and cold foods when you have receding gums.  If the gums recede enough to expose the root you can set yourself up for more serious problems.  The root is softer than the enamel making it more vulnerable to bacteria and plaque. 

To restore proper gum level and functionality a soft tissue graft can be performed.  This is done by either removing soft tissue from the roof of the mouth, or repositioning healthy gum tissue from adjacent teeth.  This procedure is very predictable and has a high success rate.  This procedure should be performed before more serious problems develop and periodontal surgery is necessary.

Occlusal Adjustment

Do you wake in the morning with sore jaws? 

When you bite, do you feel like your jaw is lopsided?  If so, then you may need an occlusal adjustment. 

An occlusal adjustment corrects the alignment of the bite, that is a result of loose, shifting, crowded, or missing teeth. The result is an evenly distributed bite that eliminates irregular pressure on one side of the mouth.   Once your bite is adjusted, your teeth will meet properly.  Occlusal adjustment causes minimal pain, and only a little discomfort.  The adjustment is made by using a dental drill with a fine grit adjusting bur.  In addition to the actual adjustment, a removable mouthguard is also utilized to protect the tooth surfaces, and relax the jaw muscles once the adjustments have been made.  

Who is a good candidate for an occlusal adjustment?  Patients with loose or shifting teeth will many times not meet correctly.  Patients, who grind or clench their teeth, will have an uneven bite and pressure distribution in the mouth, which is also corrected through an occlusal adjustment.  Sometimes tooth sensitivity can be corrected through an occlusal adjustment as the treatment reduces pressure on the sensitive tooth. 

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Your smile is the first thing someone notices about you. People form their first impressions based on the appearance of your smile. There was a time when, unless you made a lot of money or were born with perfect teeth, you had to live with your smile.  Today, a wide range of cosmetic procedures is available to the average citizen, at a cost they can afford. If you have a gummy smile, uneven gum line or elongated teeth, cosmetic periodontal surgery may be benificial to you.

Cosmetic periodontal surgery sculpts the gum line so that it is even and in proportion to the amount of exposed tooth versus gum. This procedure removes the excess gum and exposes more of the tooth crown. If your gums have receded, and your teeth appear overly long, then soft tissue grafts can extend the gum line to create an aesthetic balance. The grafts also reduce the gum pockets that are prone to future periodontal disease.

If you are unhappy with your smile, give us a call to discuss your options. After all, you only have one chance to make a first impression.